Application for Original Degree Certificate

Address for Correspondence


Upload Your Photo *

Max Upload Size is 50kb. Supported formats are png, jpg and jpeg.

Upload Your Signature *

Max Upload Size is 50kb. Supported formats are png, jpg and jpeg.

Upload Your Final Year Marksheet *

Max Upload Size is 300kb. Supported formats are png, jpg, jpeg and pdf


  • 1. Time required for issue of Degree Certificate from the date of successful submission of Online Application shall be
    • a) 15 (Fifteen) working days for Original Certificate upto 2005.
    • b) 5 (Five) working days for 2006 onwards.
  • 2. Students are to collect their Certificates within the stipulated period of 1 (One) month on successful submission of the Online Application.


I undertake and approve the above information are true to best of my knowledge and I shall be responsible and liable for any wrong information due to which my application for obtaining the Degree Certificate shall be cancelled. Further, I shall not claim or object for any action initiated by the University Administration.